
Which sentence contains a restrictive clause? Explained by Sharing Culture

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Dr. Ulices Wuckert V
Score: 4.5/5 (33 votes)

The sentence that contains a restrictive clause is A. They decided to meet where the band was performing. A restrictive clause is also known as an essential clause, because its existence is important for the meaning of the sentence. Because of that, it is not set off by commas.

What is a restrictive clause?

Restrictive clauses require no punctuation; nonrestrictive clauses are usually separated from the independent clause with commas. Restrictive: Restrictive clauses are essential to the meaning of the sentence and do not need commas to separate them from the complete sentence.

What is a restrictive element in a sentence?

Restrictive elements are word groups that are necessary to retain meaning. They are not set off from the rest of the sentence by commas or other punctuation. ... For the same reason, restrictive clauses are not set off from the rest of the sentence by commas or other punctuation.

Which sentence contains a clause?

A simple sentence consists of only one clause. A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses. A complex sentence has at least one independent clause plus at least one dependent clause.

Which sentences contains an underlined restrictive clause?

The sentences that contains an underlined restrictive clause are:

  • The books that are stacked neatly on the top shelf belong to my great-grandfather.
  • The girl who broke the downstairs window with a baseball is knocking on the front door.
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What is an example of a restrictive clause?

A restrictive clause is essential for meaning. A restrictive clause is not offset with commas. For example: The boy who broke the window is at the door.

Which sentence contains a nonrestrictive clause?

The correct sentence is - The teacher packed picnic lunches for all the students—which they loved—and ate lunch outside with them at recess. A nonrestrictive clause is a type of adjective clause offering additional detail on a word that already has a specific meaning.

Which examples are clauses?

Examples of clauses:

  • Subject + verb (predicate). = complete thought (IC)
  • I eat bananas. = complete thought (IC)
  • Sharon speaks loudly. = complete thought (IC)

What are 5 examples of compound sentences?

5 Examples of Compound Sentences

  • I want to lose weight, yet I eat chocolate daily.
  • Michael did not like to read. She was not very good at it.
  • Dr. Mark said I could come to his office on Friday or Saturday of next week.
  • My favorite sport is skiing. I am vacationing in Hawaii this winter.

What is a example sentence?

Simple Sentences

A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. Examples of simple sentences include the following: Joe waited for the train.

How do you identify restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses?

A restrictive clause modifies the noun that precedes it in an essential way. Restrictive clauses limit or identify such nouns and cannot be removed from a sentence without changing the sentence's meaning. A nonrestrictive clause, on the other hand, describes a noun in a nonessential way.

What is clause give an example?

A clause is a group of words that contain a subject (the noun or pronoun about which something is being said, usually the doer of the action) and a verb (a doing word). An example of a clause is: The fast, red squirrel darted up a tree. The subject of this clause is the fast, red squirrel and the verb is 'darted'.

How do you identify Appositives?

The appositive is usually next to the noun it is identifying or clarifying. It may be before or after the noun. Underline the appositive in each sentence. Rewrite the sentence without the appositive to make sure it makes sense.

What are the two types of relative clauses?

Generally, there are two types of relative clauses: restrictive (defining) clause and non-restrictive (non-defining) clause. In both types of clauses, the relative pronoun can function as a subject, an object, or a possessive pronoun ("whose").

What does too restrictive mean?

/rɪˈstrɪk.tɪv/ C2. limiting the freedom of someone or preventing something from growing: He is self-employed because he finds working for other people too restrictive.

What are non-restrictive clauses?

A nonrestrictive clause adds additional information to a sentence. It is usually a proper noun or a common noun that refers to a unique person, thing, or event. It uses commas to show that the information is additional.

What are 10 examples of compound sentences?

10 Compound Sentences in English

  • Our car broke down. ...
  • They spoke to him in English, but she responded in Spanish.
  • She goes to the beach, and she takes her cat.
  • Although Michael reads novels, Joly reads comics.
  • 5.As Alex was arriving to work, he realized he forgot his lunch.

What are 3 compound sentences?

Compound Sentences

  • I like coffee. Mary likes tea. → I like coffee, and Mary likes tea.
  • Mary went to work. John went to the party. I went home. → Mary went to work, but John went to the party, and I went home.
  • Our car broke down. We came last. → Our car broke down; we came last.

What are 20 examples of compound sentences?

20 Compound Sentences in English

  • I want to lose weight, yet I eat chocolate daily.
  • A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.
  • I used to be snow white, but I drifted.
  • We went to the mall; however, we only went window-shopping.
  • She is famous, yet she is very humble.

What are the 3 types of clauses?

There are three different types of clause that are taught in KS2, including main, subordinate and adverbial clauses. The main clause is a complete sentence on its own as it includes a subject and a verb. A subordinate clause is dependent on the main clause because it doesn't make sense on its own.

What are examples of independent clauses?

Examples of Independent Clauses

  • I enjoy sitting by the fireplace and reading.
  • Waiting to have my car's oil changed is boring.
  • She wants to travel the world and see wonderful sights.
  • Our planets revolve around the sun.
  • The professor always comes to class fully prepared.
  • Hurricanes strengthen over warm waters.

What is clause in grammar example?

A clause is a group of words that contains a verb (and usually other components too). A clause may form part of a sentence or it may be a complete sentence in itself. For example: He was eating a bacon sandwich. [clause]

Which sentence contains an objective pronoun?

Uncle Pete gave his trumpet to me. Me is an objective pronoun because it is the recipient of the trumpet. My is a possessive pronoun. She is a subject pronoun.

Which option correctly uses commas to set off a nonrestrictive clause?

Use commas to set off a nonrestrictive clause in the middle of a sentence, but not to set off a restrictive clause. Nonrestrictive clauses tell you something about the subject of a sentence, but they do not limit, or restrict, the meaning.
